Xnet utility – excellent tool to remove, rename, uninstall services remotely as well

If you are looking for a utility to uninstall, start, stop, terminate or even rename a service remotely, the Xnet utility is the best utility to do so.

you can see what it does and how it does it by the instructions below. also you can download this free utility that was made by the genius developer Ruud van Velsen of Microsoft Benelux, keep in mind that Microsoft in no way supports this tool.  I love it and live by it.

 Download Xnet Command Line utility for services

Win32 character-based/commandline utility enabling you to manage local and
remote Windows NT services.

1 general usage.
Usage : XNET <Start  | Stop   | Pause  | Continue | List | Install |
              Remove | Modify | Reboot | Shutdown | Help>

Run XNET HELP <command> for information on the individual commands.

2 starting, pausing, continuing or listing a service.
Usage : XNET <Start | Pause | Continue | List>
             [[\\Server\]ServiceName] [/w:Wait]

Start       – Starts specified service, or lists all running services if no
              service specified.
Pause       – Pauses specified service.
Continue    – Resumes specified service.
List        – Lists all services, or details on specific service.
ServiceName – name of service, optionally preceded by name of remote
              machine (eg : \\REMOTE\MSSQLServer).
Wait        – number of seconds to wait for request to complete (default : 30

Example : XNET START \\HOUND\Spooler
          XNET PAUSE MSSqlserver /w:90
          XNET LIST \\HYENA
          XNET LIST
          XNET LIST NetLogon
3 stopping a service.
Usage : XNET STOP [[\\Server\]ServiceName] [/w:Wait] [/y]

ServiceName – name of service, optionally preceded by name of remote
              machine (eg : \\REMOTE\MSSQLServer).
Wait        – number of seconds to wait for request to complete (default : 30
/y          – Don’t ask for confirmation to stop dependent services.

Example : XNET STOP \\HOUND\Spooler
          XNET STOP MSSqlserver /w:90
          XNET STOP Netlogon /y
4 installing a service.
XNET INSTALL [[\\Server\]ServiceName] [/b:Binary] [/d:Dependencies]
             [/l:LoadOrderGroup] [/n:DisplayName] [/u:User] [/p:Password]
             [/i:Interactive] [/s:StartType]

ServiceName    – name of service, optionally preceded by name of remote
                 machine (eg : \\REMOTE\MSSQLServer).
Binary         – Name of executable.
Dependencies   – Dependencies of service.
LoadOrderGroup – LoadOrderGroup of service.
DisplayName    – ‘Long’ name of service (aka DisplayName).
User           – name of (domain) user account to assign to service. Specify
                 ‘LocalSystem’ to assign system account.
Password       – Password for service.
Interactive    – specify Yes or No to allow service to interact with desktop.
StartType      – indicates when a service will be started. Possible values
                 are ‘AUTO’ (started at system startup), ‘DEMAND’ (started
                 at user request) and ‘DISABLED’.

Example : XNET INSTALL \\HOUND\MyService /b:C:\WIN32\MS.EXE /u:LocalSystem
          XNET INSTALL MyService /b:C:\WIN32\MS.EXE /u:RuudV /p:password
          XNET INSTALL MyService /b:C:\WIN32\MS.EXE /u:HiYa\There /p:right
5 modifying a service.
XNET MODIFY [[\\Server\]ServiceName] [/u:User] [/p:Password] [/b:Binary]
             [/d:Dependencies] [/l:LoadOrderGroup] [/n:DisplayName]

ServiceName    – name of service, optionally preceded by name of remote
                 machine (eg : \\REMOTE\MSSQLServer).
User           – name of (domain) user account to assign to service. Specify
                 ‘LocalSystem’ to assign system account.
Password       – Password for service.
Binary         – Name of executable.
Dependencies   – Dependencies of service.
LoadOrderGroup – LoadOrderGroup of service.
DisplayName    – ‘Long’ name of service (aka DisplayName).
Interactive    – specify Yes or No to allow service to interact with desktop.
StartType      – indicates when a service will be started. Possible values
                 are ‘AUTO’ (started at system startup), ‘DEMAND’ (started
                 at user request) and ‘DISABLED’.

Example : XNET MODIFY \\HOUND\MyService /u:SE\User1 /p:NewPass
          XNET MODIFY \\HOUND\MyService /u:LocalSystem
          XNET MODIFY MyService /n:FancyName
6 removing a service.
Usage : XNET REMOVE [[\\Server\]ServiceName]

ServiceName – name of service, optionally preceded by name of remote
              machine (eg : \\REMOTE\MSSQLServer).
/y          – Don’t ask for confirmation of remove.

Example : XNET REMOVE SampleService
7 rebooting/shutting down Windows NT.
XNET <Reboot | Shutdown> [\\server] [/w:Wait] [/m:Message] [/f] [/y]

Reboot      – Reboots specified server, or local machine if no server
Shutdown    – Shuts down specified server, or local machine if no server
Message     – Warning/message to display on specified server during countdown.
Wait        – Wait xx seconds for request to complete (default : 30 seconds)
/f          – Force applications closed (don’t allow ‘FileSave’ dialogs).
/y          – Don’t ask for confirmation of request.

Example : XNET REBOOT \\HOUND /y
          XNET SHUTDOWN /w=120
          XNET SHUTDOWN /f
1 Current version = 1.04

2 XNet was developed by Ruud van Velsen of Microsoft Benelux. The program
  is not officially supported by Microsoft, but any feedback is welcome.

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